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Search complete for “pachacutec”. Results are below.

  1. Life in Pachacutec… growing up out of the sand
    This day of the trip was facilitated in part by me, only because I met Barbara by a fabulous stroke of luck when we lived in Lima in 2006 and subsequently introduced her to Valerie (the course instructor).  I arranged with Barbara to have the class spend the day in Pacha, the community where Barbara […]
    Filed in Uncategorized | 26-Jul-08 | no comments
  2. Pachacutec
    I spent a wonderful day on Friday in Pachacutec with Barbara, a nun serving with Medical Mission Sisters. Barbara is an absolute delight; I feel a great kinship with her and adored our day together. I cannot imagine a better attache into the community! About Pachacutec…. Pachacutec is a very new “pueblo joven” to the […]
    Filed in Uncategorized | 11-Feb-06 | no comments
  3. Photohunt: Chipped
    The word “chipped” makes me think of three things: ham, china, and attitude. Chipped ham is what we get in Pittsburgh when visiting my extended family.  No one else does it quite the same, in little pieces so fine that they clump together — little ‘chipped’ pieces of meat. Everyone’s got some sort of chipped […]
    Filed in Art & Photography | 25-Jan-09 | 9 comments
  4. Hump Day Fun
    Today’s events:– Looking into why the dryer broke yesterday and finding that the non-vented lint was being sucked back up into the machine, jamming the motor, and clogging the heating element (“what is that burning smell?”) We managed to fix it (clean it out) but may have the headache of negotiating repair folks for our […]
    Filed in Uncategorized | 08-Feb-06 | 2 comments