Hump Day Fun

Today’s events:
– Looking into why the dryer broke yesterday and finding that the non-vented lint was being sucked back up into the machine, jamming the motor, and clogging the heating element (“what is that burning smell?”) We managed to fix it (clean it out) but may have the headache of negotiating repair folks for our last week here to install some type of venting.
– Looking into why the doorbell no longer works. (We can fix it but think that the owner may prefer his electrician do it, which is fine, but again: one week left.)
– My cell phone dying, twice, in the middle of Paul trying to order a pizza. We figured out the credits were out, I went across the street and bought a 20 sole card, only to have the security digits rip off making it impossible to decipher two of the code numbers.
– The home phone not working (started last night) which, thankfully, due to the help of Jim Rudolph (the afore mentioned history professor/Lima contact extraordinaire) was working in time for us to call back the pizza place and finish our order. Will enjoyed watching the fix-it man up the telephone pole, listing back and forth while I held my breath.
– Sugar ants discovered that the lid wasn’t completely sealed on the cookie container. Have I mentioned that the number one reason I’m pressing for an apartment when we move back is because I *hate* sugar ants??
– Will being gone all day on a playdate (we missed him!) and coming home with his first tattoo.

The rest of the week:
– Class tomorrow morning for me, then an appointment at PRISMA to turn over an interview tape for transcription. Friday will be spent in Pachacutec, a fairly new pueblo joven on the far outskirts of Northern Lima — I’m going here with Barbara, the nun Gwen and I had breakfast with a few weeks ago. Saturday, we’ll have lunch at Jim’s in Chorrillos (a community south of here). Hopefully, we’ll be able to get together with Jude (who recommended Josefina and is here visiting and whose son Will is spending his days with lately) before we leave next week.

Here is Will, in bed and ready for “binky time” after his long day of hard and fast playtime. Posted by Picasa