“My parents called. They said that Kate called them last night.”
“Apparently, she called them and then walked around with the phone, babbling into it. They could hear you and I talking in the background.”
“Do you think they heard us talking about naked Fridays?
“Dunno. Maybe that’s why my Mom said they weren’t going to come over until Saturday.”

Emmy | 05-Aug-08 at 9:42 pm | Permalink
I have to ask…
What brand bubble bath is that?
admin | 05-Aug-08 at 10:35 pm | Permalink
It’s ELMO bubblebath! 🙂
Cold Spaghetti » Blog Archive » None of them start “It was a dark and stormy night” | 01-Jan-09 at 8:47 pm | Permalink
[…] August: “My parents called. They said that Kate called them last night.†[…]