
Our bums are freezing here in the Big Easy.

Now, now. Before y’all get up in arms over the fact that it is at least 20 or more degrees warmer here than where you are (it’s the mid-50s today), let me remind you of this:

With no insulation in the walls or floors, heating and cooling our house is like heating and cooling a tent. The house does not get cool when it is hot outside. Likewise, the house does not get warm when it is cold outside. We can control humidity (within reason) in the summertime, and in the winter, we can do enough to keep pipes and things from freezing. And there are some temperate spots. The hall bath, with no exterior walls and being super tiny right off the hallway (where the temperature gauge rests) is always perfect in all seasons. But as for comfort in the remaining big, open rooms with 12-foot ceilings… well, bundle up. (Plus, 50 degrees with high humidity is one heck of a lot colder than 50 degrees with low humidity… and we live just blocks from the river.)

Our options? Well, we are trying to get a crew out to put a sealant coat under the house. (We can see daylight through a bunch of floor cracks.) One day (like when we hit the lottery?) we will look into replacing all the siding on the house and putting in insulation at that time. We dream of that day. Until then, 50 degrees will feel like the North Pole.