Gross Out

So last night was another gross out. A night of searing pain in my chest was somewhat relieved when I turned my insides outside around 2am. (Was it heartburn? Ulcer? A pin from a voodoo doll? I have no idea. I can only say it was terrible and continues to be annoying.) It came on so fast and so violently that I did not make it to the lavatory.

As if that wasn’t bad enough…. it was at this time that I discovered someone else was having a rough night. Scout had another, much worse, performance of illness (both ends). Every room, both beds, and more. Thank goodness for my penchant for having washable linens. Scout and Paul took at shower and we were done cleaning up by about 3:30am. Will did us the favor of staying asleep.

After checking in with the midwife this morning, I’ve been in bed most of the day. Weak, tired, achy. Attention bugs: no more. We are done with you here. Leave us alone!