Learning Curve

The computer is great, working, and all is fine here. Photo workflow is still working out kinks. Particularly regarding blogger, which may be a past-tense experience shortly.

Most of the focus has been on the Peru work, which was (mostly) reviewed yesterday by the editor, which is why I haven’t been able to focus much on new photographs of the kids or anything else with learning the new system.

I need to figure out a good photograph workflow. Here are the needs: something where I can quickly scan and weed out photographs (finder seems fine here); something that will let me create an archive file to have around short term for blog-entries and then upload to our archive — AND — will see photos after I’ve done edits from Photoshop (iphoto is breaking down for me on that last part). Also, I made a mistake by not shooting everything RAW and am not sure how to incorporate current shots and future RAW conversion in this workflow…

And I can’t figure out a smooth way to get photos from iphoto to blogger, which is why I haven’t blogged in a few days. This may be the straw that breaks my back and forces me to move out from blogger to one of the URLs I’ve been holding for a year. Time to download wordpress…?