Anyone have any idea when Mr. Worthless Himself is showing up on Tuesday?? We want to go, hopefully with a few thousand of our closest friends.
Banner/sign ideas:
Was this your plan two years ago in Jackson Square?
More to come. Hopefully, we’ll find out more information tonight from thems in the know.
Fluffy | 25-Aug-07 at 5:10 am | Permalink
You won’t get in. At all his appearances to date, his “managers” keep the location secret until the end, fill the audience with loyal Bushies, and keep the “riff-raff” out. Good luck.
Cold Spaghetti | 25-Aug-07 at 8:39 pm | Permalink
Yeah. I was hoping someone would have some sort of inside scoop… in that way that someone here seems to always have an inside scoop… but nothing yet. (It was the same the last time Bush was here.)