Weekend in Mobile… again

Between the flat needing fixed and our rear brakes telling us that they were finally wore too thin, we had to have the car serviced. As a one car family, it is actually easier to go to Mobile where we have two helpful resources: access to an extra vehicle with car seats and mechanics that are somewhat trustworthy with the ability to take a car in for service before 2008. So another day or two of work went out the window and Thursday afternoon, I picked up the kids early and headed out of town.
I arrived early enough to drop off the car before closing and to get ready to attend the final hour or so of the Mobile Festival of Flowers. The event takes place basically in my parents’ backyard. It’s sponsored by Regions Bank, who holds a private showing of the event on the night before it’s opening. Dad had tickets. We went. I got to play photographer a little bit… I keep thinking that I’ll use some flower photography to do a painting in the future.
The next morning, Mom and I put the kids in the heated spa tub for the first time this year. Will was a bit timid of the water after jumping in at my Mom, who wasn’t able to catch him right away because Kate was in her hands. A quick lesson for Will.
Kate LOVED it. She was difficult to hold at times because she squirmed so much, wanting to just swim by herself. This child does not grasp the concept of fear.
Will was very supportive of his sister’s swimming and did well to keep her supplied with every random pool toy he could find. He even let her wear his old swim hat to protect from the sun.
Will also let Kate splash him (seriously splash him!) over and over again without feeling like he it was a challenge. *Whew* The great sibling water fights that are in our future may be put off for another year…!
Another weekend perk was going with my Dad and Will to hit golf balls. Little Man has a 9-iron and putter from my Dad that he brings to the course. They hit balls together. It is hysterical.
For starters, Will compliments my Dad’s every shot. “Good job, PapPap!” “Nice shot, PapPap!” “That one went straight up to the MOON, PapPap!”
Then, Will gives encouragement before each swing. “Tear it up, PapPap!” “Knock it inna next week, PapPap.” “Rip it up, PapPap!”
Not being a golfer, I got to remain photographer for the duration.
At some point, a man stopped by and gave Will a special tee… it wasn’t until later that we noticed it was a tee from the Masters. Whoa, Will.
Will goes through a ball every 30 seconds. It doesn’t take long for him to exhaust a bucket.
At one point, he went in search of balls out in the rough. Two of the course’s caddies actually pulled up their carts and sat back to watch Will stroll through the grounds knocking random balls every which way. Will didn’t notice at all! He was In The Zone. That’s my golfin’ guy!