Face Painting!

I’ve volunteered to do face painting this Saturday for the kids’ school as part of “Art on Oak.” This is a regular event (traditionally held every last Saturday of the month) in the blocks of Oak Street from Carrollton to the River (which includes Abeona House). We are a few blocks from the big Oak Street attractions (Jacque-Imo’s, Maple Leaf Bar) so Emmy is contacting the Oak Street Merchants board for more information. If we get the go-ahead, the current plan is for Paul to juggle and me to face paint and get the kids involved so that we are part of the event.

The face paint hunt begins tomorrow (I’ve found some recipes, but for the cost of the ingredients and the reports that it’s nowhere as good as the premade paints, I’m going to go for the real thing.) But I need some ideas of what to paint! I think I should stick with small, quick, “cheek” designs. I can do decent butterflies and flowers… but what works for the boys? I know I need to be able to do a decent Fleur de Lis by Saturday… but what else? Any ideas? What other small, quick things can I draw on preschooler kids’ faces?