Mardi Gras: The Wrap-up

We enjoyed a great Mardi Gras weekend. We’re both still of mixed minds about the whole affair: we love Mardi Gras and thoroughly enjoyed it; we think it is great that area businesses are reporting over $200 million in revenue; and we are eager to see if the funds actually get put back into the city’s failing infrastructure.

There were some differences this year… shorter parades, less parades, and less days of rolling krewes. On the parade route, there were less port-a-potties (I waited in line at a nearby bar when I had to go today), and the intense street cleaning crews weren’t quite out in the same force as previous years. (They are *impressive* to watch.) Word on the town is that the crowds were much smaller this year, but to us, it seemed full and fine. Then again, we stick to the Uptown festivities where the families hang out — and where it is relatively easy for your kids to get throws, have cook-outs, play frisbee, and enjoy other common Uptown Mardi Gras fun.

We only attended 3 days of parades (I think we saw 7 parades) but still have a ton of loot. This is a close breakdown:

– 12 stuffed toys of various sizes (not including the many we caught but gave away)
– 5 footballs and at least 1 plastic basketball and stuffed baseball
– A stuffed Muses spear and Muses backpack (my new diaper bag) — both were gifts from the Sherry’s
– 5 doubloons
– Special medallion necklaces from Muses, Morpheus, and Zulu
– Two Krewe d’Etat Skulls
– One Zulu Coconut
– One pack of Male Nude Model Playing Cards
– Three super-speciality bead necklaces (one a bit more risque — read about it under the picture of my belly below!)
– Two lanyards
– One music stick
– One light-up Muses star wand (that Will has repeatedly taken apart to the point where it may not work much longer!)
– At least 8 light-up necklaces, charms, and bracelets from the various night parades
– Two pedicure kits (Muses)
– One awesome “high-healed shoe” bracelet from the ladies of Muses
– A t-shirt (size small — so we it gave to Mina, in the pictures below)
– Approximately 28 cups
– A TON of beads!!!