Picture-portraits have been a key part of our holidays for the past few years. Specifically, I take holiday portraits for families as a fundraiser for our beloved preschool. There is always a little craziness around it — what is the best way to give families the most options of photographs, what to charge that makes enough money for the school to be worthwhile without being out of reach, how to minimize the amount of one-on-one coordination and money collecting, and so on. This year, I think we struck gold in the set-up: weekend portraits scheduled in back-to-back 15-20 minute time slots over a few hours. Families come, sit, have pictures made, and leave. For a set fee, I send out one favorite JPG with all the bells and whistles of color enhancing, teeth whitening and booger removal. The money goes right to the school, and each family gets a photo for their holiday cards.
Sounds simple, right?
Right, except that *I* am involved… and nothing I do is ever simple. Part of the problem is me, myself. I live to please and I love to photograph… a dangerous combination.
And then there is the insecurity around my inability to guarrantee THAT photograph.
You know what I’m talking about. THAT photograph is the one every family wants. It’s the one that you want. It’s the one that I want. The one where you and all your kin sit around looking lovely. Everyone is looking into the camera. Everyone is smiling their nicest, brightest smile. It’s PERFECT, THAT photograph. Eerily… perfect.
It’s not that it is always impossible. THAT picture is much more likely once all kids are older and sort of get that it is in their best interest to look their bright and shiny best for photographs.
But when they are little?
It is even a realistic expectation? And further, should it be?
Yeah, I can get that adorable little child to smile for a fraction of a second and be ready to capture it with my shutter… but I’ll promise you dollars to donuts that Mom or Dad or Sister Sue is talking, waving a hand, or closing their eyes at exactly the same time. And we can fire photograph after photograph all day, but the bottom line is that kids can’t handle more than 10, maybe 15 minutes of posed portraits before they explode. Literally, explode, right their in their parents laps.
The bottom line is that every moment of being a parent of a small child means, well, parenting that small child. And the camera captures reality. Not some eerily perfect moment with everyone doing exactly the same thing and looking in exactly the same direction and smiling their exactly the same perfect smiles in their perfectly beautiful matching outfits. It sure looks pretty. But our eyes know what families look like. They are crazy and wonderful — arranging, calling, clapping, laughing, encouraging — all to make one moment of stillness and calm.  If it works and we see THAT picture, we know that there is something a little… surprising about it. We wonder, How did they do that? How did they get that picture? It looks pretty, but… what story does it tell? And is the story it tells an authentic one?
I’m not sure it is. Authentic. How can it be when it comes from my shouting, LALALALALALALALA look heeeerrrrrrrrreeee babbbeeeeeee! — MOM, EYES UP, DAD, DON’T TALK — LALALALALALA baaaaaabbbbbbeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! And if I’m really lucky, this is combined with Paul in the background jumping up shouting PEAK A BOO from behind me.
All this, to get THAT photo. It’s no wonder it looks eerie.
But still. I work and work and work for THAT picture and beat myself up when it doesn’t happen. I mean I really feel guilty. I feel like it should be something I can do at will — that it should just HAPPEN. I have the stuff… the toys in the bag, the comb and tissue and wet ones. I have an eye to see when things are off and can fix them. But still… I manage to capture reality. I can’t seem to create that fleeting moment of eerie wonder that everyone wants.
And then? I feel like I’ve let someone down.
Even with photographs of my own family. Just look.
But. Maybe. Just Maybe…
… this is better? Cheesy, yes, but gives a bit more personality…?
I mean, compared to this?
Don’t my children look miserable? I mean, honestly, how can we expect them to SIT for FIVE SECONDS? It’s no use bribing.
That look below is suppose to be Will’s nice smile. I will find a way to make him pay for this during his teenage years. And where is Kate? Also, might I consider getting a hair cut and touching up highlights more often than every 8 months?
Can you tell I’m running back and forth setting the timer on the camera? (A remote trigger would be a nice touch, Santa. Ahem.)
So, maybe, instead, we should stick to this?
It’s messier than the posed family shot, sure. Personality over perfection. Maybe I’ll feel better if I lead with my strengths?
With that, if I were to photograph you and your family — what would you want? What do you look for in a photographer? What kinds of photographs do you want after a sitting? What do you expect to pay and what kind of flexibility do you want? Is there such a thing as a good holiday photo that isn’t “perfect”?
eli | 15-Dec-09 at 11:18 am | Permalink
I HATE POSED PHOTOS. There I said it. I much more love the candid shots for my family, from other families and ultimately in general. The posed photo usually comes with the “posed” christmas letter which just isn’t fun.
I think you are better off getting candid shots of everyone and the families. Find a sense of what makes the child smile or sing. Find what makes the viewer smile and you’ve got the photo.
I will also admit that we have never done a posed family photo as I come out looking horrendous, Wylie doesn’t smile and well the shining on Wyatt’s head is a bit much.
My favorite about photographs is when someone is looking at one and their whole face just lights up with a smile. Usually that is not from a posed photo.
My two cents.
Oh, Happy Christmas!
meridith | 15-Dec-09 at 11:47 am | Permalink
I love that pic with the umbrellas. LOVE it. the colors are amazing and it’s ways better than any holiday photo. ps I don’t think it looks like you’re running to get into the shot.
magpie | 15-Dec-09 at 3:02 pm | Permalink
the last one is perfect. it’s the card i would like to get, and the one i would send…
Michelle | 15-Dec-09 at 3:48 pm | Permalink
I love that last photo too! The umbrella one too, but if we’re looking for a more holiday feel, I go for the kissy face one.
I actually prefer photos when people aren’t looking at the camera, but I’m weird like that. If I’m looking specifically for a photo to send in cards, then I might evaluate that photo differently. With cards, we’re talking about people viewing the photo who might not have seen my kids in a year, so it’s important to show both faces so they can see what the kiddos look like. But otherwise, I like a bit of an informal picture. But that’s hard to do with the whole family.
Painted Maypole | 15-Dec-09 at 10:18 pm | Permalink
i think they’re all lovely. 😉 but the kissing one IS sweet perfection (not eerie…)
Kathryn | 15-Dec-09 at 11:17 pm | Permalink
So, I felt like this was about me and my crazy boys – the frantic Mom who just wants everyone to look at the camera at the same time! Just once. And, I think you are onto something – when in our daily lives does that ever happen? I admit, with some guilt, it happens only when the TV is on.
I think all of your pictures are lovely, mostly b/c they are not overly posed and really do capture the personality of the subjects.
Thanks for putting up with us!
Kathryn | 15-Dec-09 at 11:20 pm | Permalink
They really do look like different children in the candid shots!
kitty | 23-Dec-09 at 1:34 am | Permalink
I took my kids out one day for the stereotypical family in the field of flowers photo. I must have taken twenty shots and something was off about each one, so I did some Photoshop magic and got the best face from each kid and “created” a perfect photo. I put it up on my Facebook page and about three months later I realized my son had three arms.
All of these photos are so beautiful, and no, I can’t tell you have just hit the timer.
The last one is my favorite, though.