Photohunt: Music

It’s been a long time since I’ve participated in Photohunt, but I saw that the theme was MUSIC and felt compelled to jump in.  We’re in New Orleans, forgoodnesssake.

But, um, all my old French Quarter/Jazz Fest/Mardi Gras pictures are on the network and we’re in the middle of backing up.  Plus, I thought of this picture, which is conveniently on my laptop.

Taken in Ayr, Scotland, August 2009.  MUSIC.


I know, bagpipes get a bad rap.  But you know what I learned about Scotland?  Bagpipes make darn good sense there.  The way the sound weaves in and out with the wind?  Perfectly fitting and very beautiful.  I can’t think of a better sound for Scotland, honestly.  It was a joy to hear them there.
