Will has completed Kindergarten.
And will enter 1st grade in the fall.
Aren’t I too young to have a child in 1st grade?
Will made necklaces for his teachers as a thank-you for the year. For a last minute OH SH!T gift idea that came to me at 11:40pm 2 days before the end of the school year, I think we pulled it off well. It was just enough time to get the kids to make necklaces (“Mommy, can we make cookies?” “NO, YOU’RE MAKING A NECKLACE.” “But I don’t want to make another right now.” “TOO BAD. GET TO WORK.”)
A.H. and Lulu: we owe you big-time. Your b-day gift for Kate SAVED MY LAST-MINUTE ASS.
Here are Kate’s necklaces. She got some help from Will (read: Will did it) on the one with some symmetry. (Will LOVES symmetry.)

We had a bit more time for Will’s necklaces (he was in school one week longer than Kate). Thank goodness, as we needed a few more ho-has to stretch our necklace-making capabilities. The necklace to the left was made with pieces from another kit I got to stretch our supplies. The only reason there is a necklace not done in a symmetrical fashion was because I encouraged Will to mix it up.

I adore the necklaces but what really got my heart was how he drew the flowery circles and hearts when he wrote out the envelopes. (Can you tell he has a very special place in his heart for his English teacher, Roxanna?)

Will gave them out the day before school ended, which makes me feel pretty certain that he passed Kindergarten of his own academic merit, not for bribing his teachers with jewelry.
chrissieroux | 17-Jun-09 at 5:54 pm | Permalink
So cool! What a creative and incredibly thoughtful parent you are.
Emily | 17-Jun-09 at 6:10 pm | Permalink
HOORAY for finishing Kindergarten!! Those are very cute necklaces – handmade gifts are always the best! :o)
Stacy Owings | 18-Jun-09 at 7:58 am | Permalink
Wow! Those are beautiful! Where do you get your supplies?