Somehow over the last two months we’ve carved time for Paul to work on the outbuilding.

He finished the siding (all except for that top header in the front) and the siding along the back and sides. FINALLY. The piles of hardie in the backyard are gone.

This is what the back of the outbuilding looks like from the roof of the shed that belongs to the house behind ours. Close quarters. Let’s hope they have a termite contract, too.

Then Paul got to work on barn-style doors. So that we could stop the rain from coming into the opened section of the building.

Ah, who I am kidding? This is totally a beefcake shot.

And here is the question: what color should paint them? (Or, should we stain them?)
(Note… I’m partial to paint because we’ve had bad luck with stain. But I’m easily persuaded otherwise.)

The caveat. This is the back of the house with the color that will eventually, one day, cover the entire house. And outbuilding. At least, this was the plan. But, like I said, we could be persuaded by particularly fetching arguments.
Oh, and the color is more blue than aqua, despite what the photograph tells you.
Anyone have ideas or suggestions?

alejna | 16-May-09 at 9:53 pm | Permalink
Hmm…this sounds like a question for my sister. She’s got a way with color. Maybe I can persuade her to come look.
(In general, though, I tend to like red doors.)
maja | 16-May-09 at 10:51 pm | Permalink
hi- alejna’s sister here. you could go a million different ways with paint color depending on the look you are going for: mediterranean, cottage, modern, etc. definitely consider any landscaping you want to put in and whether you want the doors to be a focal point in your back yard. a sage/gray green might look nice with the blue for a cottage garden.
kitty | 16-May-09 at 11:09 pm | Permalink
This is something you’ll be looking at through your back windows for years to come. If you go with stain, it will blend in more with nature, but you have to restain it every other year. If it has southern exposure, even more often because of the sun damage.
If you go with a paint, there will be much less upkeep.
Either will look beautiful.
That is a beautiful color on the house. It reminds me of fancy cakes. Love your home.
magpie | 17-May-09 at 6:59 am | Permalink
Erin | 17-May-09 at 2:05 pm | Permalink
go funky because you can. I’m liking lavender too.
Lucy | 18-May-09 at 9:58 am | Permalink
Wow, you got some great advice, I wouldn’t even begin to guess but I can’t wait to see what you pick!!!
charlotte | 20-May-09 at 8:17 pm | Permalink
OMG I cannot believe the progress since I saw it last!
Cold Spaghetti :: Yard Progress | 06-Mar-10 at 11:10 pm | Permalink
[…] here’s a beefcake shot. We’ve all missed […]